BXAI considers the safety of the Bai Xian community a top priority. In light of the novel coronavirus outbreak, we have kept close communication with our Partner Universities and understand that some have postponed the start date of the 2020 spring semester while others have replaced on-campus courses with online classes.

We encourage all Bai Xian Scholars to stay up to date with the policies of their respective universities. As circumstances change, should you have any questions regarding your scholarship, please contact us at [email protected].

With respect to upcoming events, we will provide separate notifications detailing new arrangements. In the meantime, please take appropriate protective measures in accordance with WHO recommendations to safeguard your health. During these trying times, may we continue to uphold our values of mutual understanding, respect, and integrity as we face adversity and challenges together as a community.

Thank you for your understanding and support, and wishing everyone good health, happiness, and peace!