Bai Xian Alumni Initiative Award

The Bai Xian Alumni Initiative Award (AIA) invites Bai Xian Alumni to develop socially responsible action plans that address challenges faced by Asia’s communities, environments, and economies.
Bai Xian Alumni are encouraged to work in teams across campuses and borders to develop plans that address themes determined by BXAI on a yearly basis. Selected finalists are invited to present their action plans before an esteemed panel of judges at the AIA pitch session, which is held each year in the final week of the BXAI Summer Program. The winning team is awarded a cash prize and seed funding to take its idea forward.
For the 2019 AIA, BXAI is seeking action plans that address one of the following themes:
(1) Community Integration
(2) Heritage Preservation
(3) Social Innovation
For more details, please visit:
Bai Xian Alumni Initiative Award 2017
At the AIA 2017, our two finalist teams, Baamboo and Green Tech Transfer, worked under the themes of: (1) Environment & Sustainability, and (2) Social Innovation; and competed for a cash prize and seed funding to take its idea forward. Congratulations to Baamboo for winning the AIA 2017!
Bai Xian Alumni Initiative Award 2018
Our two finalist teams for the Bai Xian Alumni Initiative Award 2018 (AIA), Fairshare Cashmere and INNOWAT, gave their presentations at the BXAI Summer Program 2018 in Beijing. Working under the themes of: (1) Environment and Sustainability or (2) Social Innovation, both teams delivered carefully considered action plans addressing important issues faced by Asia’s communities, environments, and economies.
Fairshare Cashmere was crowned the winner of the 2018 AIA and was awarded a cash prize and seed funding to take its idea forward.
Bai Xian Alumni Initiative Award 2019
The Alumni Initiative Award 2019 (AIA) features the themes of: (1) Community Integration, (2) Heritage Preservation, and (3) Social Innovation.
Our two finalist teams, Ethnic Neighborhoods and Tara Jaan Project, had been working hard over the past months devising, improving on, and polishing their respective action plans under the guidance of BXAI-appointed mentors; and gave their final presentations at the Summer Program 2019.
Ethnic Neighborhoods was named the winner of the 2019 AIA and was awarded a cash prize and seed funding to take its idea forward.