#BXplorers: Virtual Campus Tour of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

BX Alumni Grace Kim, Jessie Malit, and Min Park, along with Dane Ancheta from the 2020 cohort, led a virtual campus tour of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) on October 30.  Showing off iconic spots from their daily route, each of them shared about their university life and offered fun facts about HKUST.  Get a taste of what it’s like to be an HKUST student through highlights of our one-hour tour!

#BXplorers: Virtual Campus Tour of Peking University

Join our virtual guide, BX Scholar Shiro Yang, on a brief tour of Peking University and get a taste of campus life in beautiful PKU!

#BXplorers: Virtual Campus Tour of Waseda University

Check out a day in the life of BX Scholar Zhang Junyao, who takes us on a quick virtual tour of beautiful Waseda University and its neighborhood.

#BXplorers: Virtual Campus Tour of Kyoto University

Explore Kyoto University through the eyes of BX Alumni Tang Jiajie, Yang Zhongda, and Zhou Chuying as they guide us on a virtual tour around their campus!

#BXplorers: Virtual Campus Tour of Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Tour Shanghai Jiao Tong University via motorcycle with virtual guide and BX Scholar, Chen Yi-Hsuan, who captures top go-to spots on campus for students like her!